Mental Skills Checklist
There are many mental skills available for you to utilize. Which skill you choose depends on personal preference and, what area is being addressed.
Self talk that inspires and empowers.
Audio tapes:
Create a script and re-use as required.
Breathing techniques:
Staying relaxed, part of relaxation.
Centering skills:
Staying well grounded, relaxed and focused, at the same time.
Concentration skills:
Internal / external and inward / outward focus.
Contingency planning:
Plan 'B', often needed!
Error Management:
How to handle a mistake to minimize effect on further performance.
Game Plan:
Required regardless of sport.
Goal setting:
How to set meaningful goals that move skill development forward.
Ongoing practice that helps to keep you centered more frequently and in the moment.
Pre-performance routines:
Systematic method to approach a clearly defined situation.
Perspective skill:
Keep situation in a tactical and strategic point of view.
Reframing skill:
Seeing a situation from a different point of view.
Relaxation techniques:
Maintain control under stressful situations.
Risk Taking skill:
Mental assessment of situation after careful consideration.
Thought Stopping:
Mental activity to stop a negative thought from continuing.
Visualization skills:
Create an image or movie of the desired skill / outcome.
Warm-up activity:
This can be both mental and physical.
Self talk that inspires and empowers.
Audio tapes:
Create a script and re-use as required.
Breathing techniques:
Staying relaxed, part of relaxation.
Centering skills:
Staying well grounded, relaxed and focused, at the same time.
Concentration skills:
Internal / external and inward / outward focus.
Contingency planning:
Plan 'B', often needed!
Error Management:
How to handle a mistake to minimize effect on further performance.
Game Plan:
Required regardless of sport.
Goal setting:
How to set meaningful goals that move skill development forward.
Ongoing practice that helps to keep you centered more frequently and in the moment.
Pre-performance routines:
Systematic method to approach a clearly defined situation.
Perspective skill:
Keep situation in a tactical and strategic point of view.
Reframing skill:
Seeing a situation from a different point of view.
Relaxation techniques:
Maintain control under stressful situations.
Risk Taking skill:
Mental assessment of situation after careful consideration.
Thought Stopping:
Mental activity to stop a negative thought from continuing.
Visualization skills:
Create an image or movie of the desired skill / outcome.
Warm-up activity:
This can be both mental and physical.